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Molinaro Announces $112,000 in Accessibility Awards
Awards part of nearly $1.6 million in County’s Municipal Innovation Grant Program

Published: 7/26/2019

Poughkeepsie … Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro has announced grant awards totaling more than $112,000, to be awarded through Dutchess County’s 2019 Municipal Innovation Grant (MIG) program, to provide funding for projects which will improve access to residents living with disabilities. 

These awards are part of almost $1.6 million in funding awarded in 2019 MIG program to municipalities for accessibility improvements, shared service and consolidation efforts, streamlined land use practices and public safety advances, with the overall goal of supporting local government efforts to reduce the property tax levy. Additional awards will be announced over the next several weeks.

With support from the Dutchess County Legislature, $1.1 million was allocated for the MIG program in the 2019 budget; and the County was able to reallocate nearly $497,000 of previously awarded funds which were recaptured due to underspending.

County Executive Molinaro said, “Dutchess County’s pledge to ‘ThinkDIFFERENTLY’ about our friends and neighbors living with disabilities is unparalleled, and these grant awards are the latest fulfillment of that promise. As, today, we celebrate the 29th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Dutchess County remains committed to increasing accessibility and breaking down barriers for those with disabilities. Dutchess County is proud to partner with our municipalities to help so many, and we look forward to further collaboration to enhance the quality of life for every resident of every ability.”

Accessibility projects, totaling $112,834, funded through the 2019 Municipal Innovation Grant Programs include:

Town Hall Accessibility 
Awarded Municipality: Town of Beekman
Project Description: Improve accessibility at the front entrance of the Town Hall by replacing the dilapidated non-compliant ADA ramp, adding automated openers to interior and exterior vestibule doors, demolishing the existing stoop, and re-constructing new steps and a new accessible sidewalk.  

Improved Municipal Facilities Accessibility 
Awarded Municipality: Town of Dover
Project Description: Improve accessibility by adding automated door openers that will eliminate barriers to entry at three municipal buildings. 

Freedom Park Accessible Restroom Facility 
Awarded Municipality: Town of LaGrange
Project Description: Improve accessibility and promote equal opportunity for Freedom Park disabled patrons by constructing a new accessible restroom at the pavilion, eliminating barriers for the elderly and disabled.

This year marks the seventh year of the MIG program.  Since the program’s inception, the grant program has expanded to meet the needs of local municipalities. For additional information about the MIG program, please visit the grant program’s webpage.