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Dutchess County’s Substance Abuse Prevention & Recovery Efforts Honored
MARC Foundation Presents County Executive Molinaro with First Community Leadership Award

Published: 5/10/2019

For More Information Contact:

Colleen Pillus, (845) 486-2000

Poughkeepsie… Dutchess County Executive Marcus J. Molinaro received the MARC Foundation’s Community Leadership Award for his tireless advocacy and public policy efforts to address substance abuse prevention; increase education, access, and outreach; and integrate primary and behavioral health treatment options into the community. The MARC Foundation, a nonprofit supporting addiction and alcohol recovery in the Hudson Valley, presented the award for the first time at its 42nd Annual Luncheon this afternoon at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel. The luncheon also featured a keynote address from Kristin Tierney, author of the recently released memoir, Cracked . . . Not Broken, a memoir of her journey from destroying her life of privilege and opportunity due to a crack-cocaine addiction, resorting to felony criminal activity and prostitution to survive, and her improbable and remarkable recovery.

Andrew O’Grady, Executive Director of Mental Health America of Dutchess County, said, “The MARC Foundation is proud help make recovery more accessible and sustainable for everyone in our community and our new Community Leadership Award celebrates those in our area who are at the forefront of those efforts. We are proud to celebrate Dutchess County’s ‘Breaking Through’ initiative and County Executive Molinaro’s continued leadership in the fight against the stigma of addiction and mental illness. His administration acknowledges the importance of talking candidly about these issues and sending a message to those suffering in silence that support is available, and we want to help them in their recovery.”

Dutchess County’s “Breaking Through” initiative works to combat the stigma surrounding addiction and mental illness that make it harder for people to talk about their struggle or seek the help they need. It is a challenge to the community to learn about addiction and the harsh realities faced by those suffering with the disease, as well as calling on friends, neighbors, and family members to provide the support and understanding necessary to finding a successful path to recovery.

This year, to help spread the message of “Breaking Through,” the County contracted with Spark Media Project to develop a digital media campaign designed and produced by young people in the community that highlights the many resources available for those with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. The first video of the campaign was debuted at the State of the County address in February. 

County Executive Molinaro said, “I am honored to receive this award, on behalf of our Dutchess County Government team. Their dedication and passion is helping those dealing with mental health and substance use. Every day too many struggle too hard with mental illness or the demons of addiction. Dutchess County Government remains committed to ‘Breaking Through’ the stigma and saving lives by providing the tools, support, and resources needed to help those in need. We have the most comprehensive network of partners and tools to help of any county in America. But, we always have more to do! We are grateful to partner with the MARC Foundation, Mental Health America of Dutchess County and the countless other bridge builders and change makers in our community who join in our ‘Breaking Through’ efforts to make a difference.”

Since 1993, the MARC Foundation has worked with local organizations to foster and promote addiction recovery. The MARC Foundation hosts several fundraising and public relations activities throughout the year that are designed to support, sustain, and expand the programs operated by Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC), which recently formalized a merger agreement with Mental Health America of Dutchess County, and by other community programs designed to treat or prevent alcoholism or abuse of other drugs.

Dutchess County Government, in partnership with numerous community providers, has a wide range of programs and services available for those seeking help and County Executive Molinaro is committed to strengthening and enhancing the County’s 24/7 intervention programs, which include:

HELPLINE – 24/7 resource that people can call or text (845) 485-9700 to connect with mental health professionals who are ready to listen and help. HELPLINE offers immediate crisis intervention, counseling, information and direct connections to services and treatment.

Mobile Crisis Intervention Team – mental health professionals available 24/7 to come directly to individuals and families for crisis prevention and immediate intervention outreach.

Stabilization Center – 24/7 walk-in facility located at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie for people of all ages dealing with mental health, substance use or life issues or crises; no referral and appointment is necessary.

Other programs and services include: 

Partial Hospital Program – short-term structured outpatient mental health treatment for adults that can be an alternative to hospitalization or aid following a hospital discharge.

Intensive Treatment Alternatives Program (ITAP) – day rehabilitation for those dealing with substance abuse and chemical dependency.

Recovery Coach Program – counselors who have successfully overcome their own addiction provide motivational coaching, mentoring and recovery planning.

Medication Assisted Treatment – programs that combine the use of medications with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders and prevent opioid overdose. 

Naloxone (NARCAN) Training – community training to understand what to do when overdose is suspected, how naloxone works to reverse an overdose, and demonstrate how and when to administer the medication. Attendees receive hands-on training for administering naloxone and take home a free NARCAN kit at the end of the course. Walk-in training is available at anytime at the Stabilization Center.

Mental Health First Aid – community training to increase knowledge about mental health and substance abuse and how to connect individuals to help. 

To connect or learn more about any of these services, simply call or text Dutchess County HELPLINE at (845) 485-9700 or visit the walk-in Stabilization Center. For more information, visit