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Dutchess County Seeks Community Input on Mental Health, Chemical Dependency Services

Published: 2/22/2019

Poughkeepsie … Dutchess County Executive Marcus J. Molinaro announced the Department of Behavioral and Community Health (DBCH) will host a series of public forums to discuss the needs for individuals living with mental health and chemical dependency issues – part of Dutchess County’s continuing efforts to “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” about those of all abilities, and of “Breaking Through” stigma to assist those living with substance use and mental health issues find the help they need.

These forums are free and open to the public, and residents are encouraged to attend. All input received will help DBCH shape its 2020 Local Services Plans, which establish long-term goals and objectives consistent with statewide goals and objectives. More than 300 community members attended DBCH’s 2018 forums.

County Executive Molinaro said, “Caring for our most vulnerable residents is one of Dutchess County’s greatest responsibilities. We invite community members – residents, families, caregivers and service providers – to attend our forums and give us critical feedback that will shape the way Dutchess County delivers care in the future.”

Forums will take place from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the DBCH Training Room, located at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, March 12th  - Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Thursday, April 11th - Individuals with Chemical Dependency
  • Monday, May 6th - Children and Youth with Emotional Issues and/or Chemical Dependency
  • Tuesday, May 7th - Mental Health Service Needs for Adults

For those unable to attend, or who do not feel comfortable speaking in public. Individuals may also submit comments online, fax comments to (845) 486-2829, or mail to: DBCH Forum Comments, 230 North Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.

DBCH Commissioner A. K. Vaidian, MD, MPH, said, “We welcome public input about our treatment, programs and what other services may be needed, as such feedback helps guide the department’s decision-making moving forward, ensuring the best possible service to our community. We welcome residents to attend our forums and share their voices in these important dialogues.”

County Executive Molinaro will discuss Dutchess County’s “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” and “Breaking Through” initiatives, among other topics, during his 2019 State of the County address on Wednesday, February 27th at 5:30 p.m. at the Culinary Institute of America’s Marriott Pavilion, Ecolab Auditorium. During his address, County Executive Molinaro will outline the focus and priorities for Dutchess County Government in 2019. The State of the County address event is open to the public. To learn more about the event and to RSVP visit